Plan miasta Erce en Lamee

Erce en Lamee - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Putting the lame in lame-duck - The Washington Monthly

Homeless shelters can be called 'Hotel Bush'. Soup kitchens call be called 'McDubya's'. Abandoned factories can be called 'Crawford Ranches'. But let's not stop at Bush's economic legacy. Elbridge Gerry is remembered through the term ' gerrymander'. .... Ray Donovan was a deep, deep embarrassment, albeit for corruption rather than flamboyant nuttery of the Watt category, although Sam Pierce at HUD was worse (check out Winn, Demery, and Gore Dean). ...
źródło: BlogSearch

SS #2 Baby-sitters' Summer Vacation

She tries to sound more awesome by telling them that she only came to camp to be near Logan, but it backfires; the other girls don't even believe that someone as lame as Mary Anne could actually have a boyfriend. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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